Marketing your business is a lot easier when you know exactly who you’re speaking to. In order to run a successful online business, we have to know who we serve and how our product or service fits into their life. Below are two important tips to help you learn how to speak directly to your ideal client.
You can’t speak directly to your ideal client if you have no idea who that ideal client is. There is a simple method, that takes less than 15 minutes, that will help you better pinpoint who exactly is your audience. I even created a free download that will walk you step-by-step.
This method takes information and knowledge you already have from past experiences and helps you determine certain characteristics that those clients and experiences had in common. It will then walk you through thought-provoking questions that will help you apply what you learned.
Once you’ve determined who you serve, we need to know what problem do they have and how do you fix it, however, we want to go deeper than just the surface problem.
For example, if you’re a wedding planner and your ideal client is a busy, career-orientated women than your not just selling a wedding planning service — you’re selling convenience and a time-saving service. Your client doesn’t want to focus on the details of a wedding. She wants to focus on her career so you’re taking wedding planning off her to-do list. Marketing to your ideal client is that way will attract her more than speaking about all the details that a wedding planner takes care of. You’ve learned your ideal client doesn’t care about details — she wants more time to focus on everything else so quick-pace, low communication service will make her happier than a detailed process that involves a lot of communication.
Carrylove Designs is a full-service branding and marketing agency transforming ambitious B2C businesses. We craft bold, strategic marketing that turn heads, build trust, and drive results. It’s time to align your brand with your ambition.
Just updated my bio on IG with some of your advice in here! Thank you!!
Thank is sweet of you to let me know. I hope you see a difference!
Very good info!! Definitely going to tweak a few things after reading your post!
[…] husband and your own wedding experience. Keep in mind when creating these topics what does your ideal client care about seeing and hearing? You want to draw your ideal client in so make sure you’re […]
[…] somewhat true, you can’t always rely on your logo (no matter how beautiful it is) to reel in your ideal clients. You first must focus on having an audience, and you can do this by figuring out where your ideal […]