Book More Ideal Wedding Clients

Brand Strategy, Marketing

  1. Amanda Pomilla says:

    This is great advice, especially for newer businesses, though I know some established ones that can benefit. So often I see people try to appeal to everyone, and it just comes across as a mismatch with no clear voice.

  2. Johanna says:

    YES! Working on this right now. Rebranded and now I have a target clientele I’m trying to reach. I’ve learned over the last 5 years that not everyone is my client – even if I wanted them to be!

  3. Mercedes says:

    Great and super helpful tips! “how do they buy” is not one I really considered before. Thank you!

  4. […] your ideal client can help you grow your business and help you to book more clients that you can best serve. When you start to understand who your ideal client is, you can tailor the experience and serve […]

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