I got the pleasure of shooting a couples session with Noemy + Tj this past weekend at Mueller Park in Austin, Texas. It was the perfect day to be at the park – sunny, 57 degrees and hardly any wind. The day beforehand it never got out of the 40’s and was dreary, so the lovely weather was welcome.
Tj is bravely leaving for Army Bootcamp in California this February while Noemy is leaving next week for a sort of boot camp of her own. She is attending three months of schooling in Arizona to become a flight attendant.
Their playful, fun relationship was so fun to capture. I love photographing the different types of relationships and seeing couple interact with one another. I can’t wait to get back behind the camera more often.
I wish both of them the best on their journies! I hope you have as much fun viewing the session as I did capturing it.
Carrylove Designs is a full-service branding and marketing agency transforming ambitious B2C businesses. We craft bold, strategic marketing that turn heads, build trust, and drive results. It’s time to align your brand with your ambition.
They are just so sweet together! Great pictures x
Thank you Anne!