Blogger Interview Series #3 | Mattie Parker, Mattie’s Makings


  1. Shanna says:

    When I was in elementary school, we had to choose a famous person in history to study about & give a presentation on and I chose Susan B. Anthony! I absolutely loved reading your interview and as a newbie to the blogging world, I appreciate the tips on the plug-ins and the apps!

    • I don’t remember much about Susan Anthony, to be honest, accept her role in helping women gain the right to vote. Thank you for the kind words, Shanna! I’m glad we could help.

  2. Mattie says:

    Everything came out SO good! Thank you so much for having me!

  3. This is such a fun series! I can’t wait to check out Mattie’s blog! 🙂

    • Thank you, Jamie! It’s a fun series to put together and work on. Come back next Monday for the newest installment!

  4. Alison says:

    Great Interview! Loved the questions and getting to know this blogger. Thanks for sharing

    • Thanks, Alison. I’m glad you enjoy learning more about fellow bloggers too. Come back next Monday for our next installment in the series!

  5. This is a great series! I hope you do lots more blogger interviews! I loved the questions you asked because some are fun and lighthearted while others are helping me think about things I can use on my blog. Good to “meet ” you Mattie and best of luck with law school! 🙂

    • Thank you for the sweet comments, Natalina. I have blogger interviews lined up for the next month! Come back every Monday!

  6. I love WP Smush! That made such a huge difference in my site speed. Also, I love meeting other bloggers! I think that’s the best part about being in a community like this 🙂

    • I couldn’t agree more Liz. I love connecting with other bloggers around the country!

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