How I Gained 102 New Twitter Followers In a Month

Business, Personal

  1. I’m bad about twitter chats because I always forget about them! I just joined one the other day that was hosted by a Facebook group I’m in and I got a ton of engagement and followers. I really need to do that more.

  2. Greta Hollar says:

    Such helpful tips! Thanks for sharing!

    Greta |

  3. I need to get better at using Twitter! I don’t think I could do that many twitter chats a week, I find it so overwhelming!

    • I may not stay on the Twitter Chat the entire hour they last, but I think they’re fun and informative.

  4. Chelsie Carr says:

    I love using the blogging RT accounts; they are so helpful! Great job hustling your growth!

  5. Mistle says:

    I have not yet gotten a Twitter account but these are all so helpful!!! I know a lot of other bloggers who participate in twitter chats and love it. These were all so helpful for me!

  6. Jenny says:

    Twitter chats are my favorite!
    I try to participate in at least one a week but usually end up doing 2+ — they definitely help with growth.

    xoxo, Jenny

  7. Great tips! I love Twitter chats. Since January 1st, I’ve increased my Twitter following by almost 500! And a lot of it is Twitter chats and actually seeking out new followers. It can be super time consuming sometimes, but I spend a lot of time searching my niche and connecting with new people who may be interested in my blog and services. Twitter is definitely my strongest and favorite platform!

    • Twitter is my strongest referral platform at the moment. I am working on Pinterest. 500 in 2.5 months in impressive. Congrats!

  8. Great tips maybe in three months when I’m done focusing on getting the idea of instagram down I can focus on growth and interaction in twitter. Thanks!

  9. Andi says:

    Fantastic tips! Can’t wait to read more!

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