If we were on a coffee date I would order a Green Tea Latte even though it’s in the 70’s outside in Austin and I would be sure to pick a table outside because the weather couldn’t get any better.
I would tell you how the anticipation of Baby Shuman’s arrival is killing me. I want it to be May already so I can hold her and give her kisses. We are keeping her name secret until her arrival. I bought her a couple of outfits that were on sale at Target. We are getting a ton of free clothes from friends and family but I wouldn’t help myself from buying them anyways.
I would ask what you thought of the halftime show with Coldplay, Beyonce, and Bruno Mars? I thought it was one of the best I’ve seen in years even though I know a lot of people didn’t like it. The tribute to all the past halftime shows at the end was my favorite part.
I would let you know how I’m preparing content for my new, free opt-in library full of printables and design guides. I am excited to get reader’s feedback. I would ask you what free content you’d like to see in library.
My mom’s birthday is coming up in a few days, and I have no idea what to get her. I would ask you for suggestions. It’s hard because her birthday is so close to Christmas that I don’t have time to think of another gift.
I would confess to how itchy my skin is all over especially my stomach. I put MotherLove Belly Slave on it after every shower but mid-day it’s itching again. However, I am loving my second-trimester energy. I will be 25 weeks pregnant on Sunday, so were are about 15 weeks away.
What would you talk about on our coffee date?
Carrylove Designs is a full-service branding and marketing agency transforming ambitious B2C businesses. We craft bold, strategic marketing that turn heads, build trust, and drive results. It’s time to align your brand with your ambition.
How cute are those little clothes?!
I love looking at baby clothes because they are all so tiny and cute.
xoxo, Jenny
I know! That’s why I couldn’t help myself. The newborn clothes are too adorable!
I love this idea! I totally need to remember to link up! Those baby clothes are so precious! I can’t wait to have another baby to dress in adorable clothes.
Thanks Leslie! If you do a link up coffee date post. Be sure to let me know!
Those clothes are so stinkin precious!! I know it seems like forever, but ur little babe will be in your arms before you know it! I would probably talk about the excitement of new beginnings that seems to be lingering in the atmosphere at the moment. I feel it where ever I go and I know God has some great things planned!
Yeah, I know it’ll come sooner than I know it. I mean yesterday does feel like it was Christmas and now we’re halfway through February.
The tribute was my favorite part too! It gave me chills!
Yeah, it was really good. Plus the dance off was fun.
What a fun idea!! A virtual coffee date!!
Yeah, I thought so too. If you do one but sure to let me know. I love reading them.
What a sweet post. It really felt like we were sitting across the table:) I try and write my posts the same. As if we are side by side with hands wrapped around a warm mug. I might talk about how my heart is been rather tender this week, work was heavy and hard. I’d share how good connection and friendship is – how I am constantly reminded of the goodness in being open and honest because it allows others to do the same. We are all so alike, all carrying a burden and fighting a battle. I’d share how I wish we were having weather like yours…I AM FREEZING lol Have a sweet weekend! Congrats on baby!
I know other places are getting hit with a snow storm and we’re sitting here having an early spring. But soon it’ll be 100+ degrees and we’ll be jealous of the weather up north. I agree about honesty. I’d like to think that’s one of my strengths and allows other to open up as well. Thank you for the wonderful comment Maeve!
Aww those little outfits! SO cute! I can remember when my niece was that small, buying clothing for her was so much fun.
La Belle Sirene
It’ll be fun dressing her until she wants to dress herself and hates everything I pick out! Ha.