5 Tips To Finding The Right Graphic Designer


  1. Kate Walton says:

    Great tips!I have been considering a rebrand— but have no idea where to even start. Haha!

  2. These are great tips! I’ve always wanted to work with a designer. I know how to do basics and my husband is a media guy, but I’d rather work with another lady. Sadly, I’m not paying $500 for just a logo. But if I ever do work with someone, our personalities and aesthetic would have to be 100% similar.

    • I sent you an email to let you know I offer 50% for women I’m in the same Facebook groups in. I love to savvy business owners succeed. Thanks for the compliment, Summer!

  3. Dia says:

    These are great tips! It’s so important to make sure anyone you’re working with on something as personal as your blog design that you are on the same page. Also I want to know what I’m paying for and what I can expect!

    • Exactly, Dia. Having expectations set. Having everything lied out beforehand. I, personally, draw up a proposal for my clients.

    • Amanda Shuman says:

      Exactly Dia. It’s about setting expectations beforehand. For my clients, I write out a proposal with all expectations laid out so their are no hidden fees or surprises. It makes for a much smoother, more enjoyable journey.

  4. Such great tips. Finding that is always so hard but when you find one, keep them!

    • Amanda Shuman says:

      Oh yeah, Amanda. I like to build relationships with my clients so they feel comfortable returning. I know that’s why I keep returning back to my amazing photographer, because we’ve become friends.

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